Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bookmarks! These are a few of the roughly 19 gazillion bookmarks I have been making in recent weeks. Inspired by artful people everywhere, I have decided to try and disseminate them around the globe. The story is that I need to keep my hands and my mind occupied with something easy to focus on, not stressful, something colorful to lift my spirits. These fit those requirements! And who doesn't need a bookmark, eh? So I posted them on actually making it into the "hot new projects" section, and you can read a little bit more of the story there. I loves Craftster! So I'm still making them and probably will be making them for a while, and my goal is to just spread the lovely sparkly-ness of these simple things as far and wide as possible. There is a butterfly stamped onto the back of each bookmark, along with this website, and I am hoping that I can keep up with all the different places the bookmarks get to. The butterflies represent my baby granddaughter, Julia, and the sweet loving spirits of all our loved ones, everywhere, who have left this world. It's just in memorium of love. Hopefully anyone who sees one of the bookmarks, whether they use it or pass it along to someone else, will have a brighter moment in life, especially if they have a broken heart.


  1. If you would like some bookmarks, just leave a comment, include your address or email so I can communicate with you, and I will send them out! If you HAVE a bookmark, leave a comment so we can see where you found it!

  2. Wow... I'll admit that I stumbled on your blog purely because I saw that you were giving your lovely awesome bookmarks away on Craftster. Now that I better understand the story of the purpose of the bookmarks... I absolutely love what you're doing.

    I would love to pass some bookmarks around my area as well... my DH and I both have dear grandmothers who we miss, and this is such a unique and creative way to memorialize and remember those we loved. Both of them (Grams and Nana) were creative ladies too...

    ...mostly with yarn, but still.

    My email is, or you can get me through my blog as well.

    **hugs and blessings**

  3. I was on crafters and saw your bookmarks and followed the link. I think it's a great thing that you're doing. See there are Angels out there. I wish there was more people like you in the world.

    Keep up the good work Lorraine!

