Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bookmarks for Everyone!

Tomorrow I am mailing out the first bookmarks! Mostly to people who saw them on, commented on them, and I let them all know that I am giving them away. They are going out to something like 12 states, two Canadian provinces, as well as the Netherlands and Ireland. I like to think that Julia might have inherited my love of traveling and desire to see the whole wide world. I guess I am getting a vicarious traveling thrill by sending these out. I am not in the business of marketing this blog, but should anyone stumble across it and want a handful of bookmarks, just leave a message and I'll get them out as soon as I can. I have a couple hundred sitting around waiting for new homes, waiting for a trip someplace, and I don't see myself stopping the making of them any time soon.
So get your free glittery, flowerful bookmarks here folks. Made with Love and designed to bring Peace and a moment of happiness to hearts everywhere.


  1. Lorraine, when I got home from work this evening I found your packet of bookmarks waiting for me. I shared your story with my husband, who was very touched. He is taking half of the bookmarks to his workplace in Sparks, NV and I will distribute the other half in Carson City.

    All of our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family ... I know in my heart that Julia knows, wherever she is, how much you love her always and forever.

    Dayton, Nevada

  2. I think this is so beautiful and such a clever idea. I am a mother of two amazing boys, and i have lost 9 pregnancies in the process of having my two children. Loss is not something i am unfamiliar with. I would love a book mark. please let me know what to do to receive one.

  3. hi lorraine
    i just stumbled upon this blog (through craftster) and i'm so sorry to hear about your loss. i would love to help be a part of julia's travels. i hope she hasn't been to lodi, nj yet :-) i'm sure my boyfriend and best friend would enjoy these as well. please let me know how i should go about getting one. can i send you postage?
    i wish you well.

  4. Oooh! Your glittery bookmarks are on my wist because I love them so... I am mildly obsessed with the. :)

    How may I sign up!!!

  5. Danielle, just send me an email with your address and I will get some right out to you. Or let me know your craftster name and we can talk there. On craftster I am Lmcbride. My regular email address is I hope you see this!

  6. Would LOVE to have and pass on glittery bookmarks for love!! You can find me on Craftster as Lolly Trolley....
    Much love...
